Hi, I’m Bertie


Extra Large

Someone threw boiling hot water at me, causing agonizing burns all over my body. I wondered; how could anyone be so cruel? Thankfully, kind people like you have made sure that dogs like me have somewhere to turn. My healing journey was long and tough, but I felt safe and cared for at the Soi Dog hospital.
I'm now a safe, happy and beloved resident at the Gill Dalley Sanctuary.
I represent dogs who’ve suffered unthinkable cruelty but are now smiling again.
Unfortunately, I don't much like the company of other dogs, so I live in a kennel on my own. It could get very lonely, but with your support there’ll always be someone here to care for me and take me for my walks.
Your sponsorship will ensure I can always rely on the safety of the sanctuary as my home, until I find my forever home.
Will you sponsor a happy boy like me and help me keep grinning?
Sponsoring a dog or cat means that your donation will go towards Soi Dog's efforts helping the neglected and abused dogs and cats of Asia. Your gift of sponsorship is used to help your sponsored dog or cat and all the other animals Soi Dog cares for to provide shelter, food & medicine and veterinary care.