Become a Cat SponsorBecome a Cat Sponsor

Our sanctuary is home to over 400 rescue cats, many abandoned, most never having known a loving home. By choosing a Sponsor Cat, you help give each resident the care they've always deserved. Whether they blossom into confidence or enjoy a quiet, safe space, they’ll finally relax, knowing they’re cared for. 


Get to know our Sponsor Cats! Click on their profiles to read their stories and learn a little about who they are.

Female, Tortoiseshell
6 years and 8 months
Male, Black
9 years and 1 month
Female, Tricolour
8 years and 6 months
Male, Tabby
9 years and 4 months
Male, Tabby
7 years and 9 months
Male, Ginger
7 years and 6 months