President of Soi Dog Canada
Working professionally in pet care and education for the past 20 years, Lisa has a strong passion for animal welfare.
With a special interest in reducing the stray animal population, she began traveling the world to volunteer in various animal sterilisation campaigns. This mission eventually brought Lisa to Soi Dog Foundation in January 2015. That visit changed Lisa’s life, when she learned more about the other projects Soi Dog undertakes, such as community education and helping to end the cruel dog and cat meat trade. On that first visit to Phuket, Lisa also fell in love with and adopted her first Soi Dog - Dominic. Lisa has returned to Phuket to volunteer numerous times since.
Back at home in British Columbia, Lisa also began volunteering with Soi Dog Canada. She helped in adoption support & management, as well as with fundraising initiatives and other special projects. She eventually joined the Soi Dog Canada board as Director, then Vice President, and became President in 2019.
Lisa loves meeting other people who are passionate about animal welfare and who share her dream of ending animal suffering.