President of Soi Dog Foundation International and Board Member of Soi Dog UK CIO
John had no experience in animal welfare when he and his late wife and co-founder of Soi Dog Foundation, Gill, took early retirement and moved from the UK to Thailand in 2003. Their intention was to try to do something about the appalling suffering and increasing problem of unwanted dogs and cats they had witnessed on holidays in Phuket. They met up with Margot Homburg, a Dutch expat who was also trying to do the same thing, and joined forces.
Since 2006, he has led Soi Dog Foundation to becoming the international foundation it is today, directly treating more animals than any organisation in the world. He, Gill and Soi Dog Foundation have received numerous awards for services to animal welfare.
Soi Dog Foundation International was established by John to be the parent organisation in view of the expansion of Soi Dog’s work in countries beyond Thailand and to secure the foundation’s future.