GuideStar Platinum Seal

Soi Dog Foundation has a maximum 4-star rating with Charity Navigator, the world's largest and most utilised independent nonprofit evaluator.

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Your gift will not only help the victims of the flooding, but it will also help all the animals who depend on Soi Dog for their survival.

Updated Mon, 18.10.21

As our rescue team arrived to Sing Buri, the situation was heartbreaking. Entire villages were flooded and thousands of animals stranded on higher ground.

What we have witnessed last week was just the tip of the iceberg. Currently there are over 3,000 dogs and 1,500 cats that need your help. They have no access to food supplies and are struggling to find dry ground. Without your urgent help, they might not make it. Please make a life-saving donation for them.

As we found more animals needed help, more funds are needed. Each bag of food costs 13 USD. Our goal has now increased to 45,000 USD to cover purchasing and delivery expenses for food supplies for all the animals in need. This will provide food for 2 months. Your gift can make the difference between life and death for these helpless animals.

Please give now.